Psalm 2:10-12 - the Psalms record Psalm 2 as a conversation between God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit v. 10-12 are the words of Holy Spirit
”“Listen to me, all you rebel kings and all you upstart judges of the earth. Learn your lesson while there’s still time. Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God. Recognize his greatness and bow before him, trembling with reverence in his presence. Fall facedown before him and kiss the Son before his anger is roused against you. Remember that his wrath can be quickly kindled! But many blessings are waiting for all who turn aside to hide themselves in him!”“
The scriptures have always felt relevant, but it seems lately that we are literally living in very Biblically significant times. And it is clear that the Lord is dealing with rebellious leaders of nations, and I believe we are just in the early phase of that. I believe we will see the Lord put a spotlight on every rebel king, president, prime minister and judge in the Earth. I think we will see the same with governors and local leadership. There’s an emphasis on purity in governance and in justice right now that is hard to deny. The way for these leaders to not face the wrath of God is humility. It’s that they each acknowledge the greatness and glory of the Lord, repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness and to be made whole. Those who do are promised blessing and protection. Those who do not will face God’s wrath. This is a word for all of us as individuals, but it is an especially strong word for those in governmental leadership and for judges.
