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#247 All Eyes on the Down Ballots w/ David Clements


”The brightest and best, along with the foolish and senseless, God sees that they all will die one day, leaving their houses and wealth to others. Even though they name streets and lands after themselves, hoping to have their memory endure beyond the grave, becoming legends in their own minds, their home address is now the cemetery! The honor of man is short-lived and fleeting. There’s little difference between man and beast, for both will one day perish. Such is the path of foolish men and those who quote everything they say, for they are here today and gone tomorrow! Pause in his presence. A shepherd called “Death” herds them, leading them straight to hell like mindless sheep. Yet at daybreak you will find the righteous ruling in their place. Every trace of them will be gone forever, with all their “glory” lost in the darkness of their doom. But I know the loving God will redeem my soul, raising me up from the dark power of death, taking me as his bridal partner. Pause in his presence“


That’s how I felt on November 6th, like it was daybreak in America and the Lord was saving us from the dark power of death. So many people that I’ve talked to have said how they felt weight literally lift off of them when they woke up and knew that Donald Trump was going to be leading our nation again. And like we’ve had to say and he has personally said so many times. He’s an amazing man, but it’s not about him. It’s about what he stands for and it’s about what he represents -- a return to righteous leadership -- a return to justice and the foundational principles of our country -- which came from the Word of God. When it comes to the wicked and all of the horrible injustices they have been committing and all of the atrocities that they commit behind closed doors -- God sees. And they are not escaping His judgement. I believe they will see it here on Earth before they meet the Lord face to face. I truly believe that their days and their disgusting dark deeds are coming to exposure, justice and closure. Because our nation can’t change or heal without that. 

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