”You empower me for victory with your wraparound presence. Your power within makes me strong to subdue. By stooping down in gentleness, you made me great! You’ve set me free, and now I’m standing complete, ready to fight some more! I caught up with my enemies and conquered them and didn’t turn back until the war was won!“
This scripture gives us a window into King David’s heart, and it is wise counsel for us. The farther we get from 2020 the more clear it becomes that We the People needed a serious and even painful wake up call. I’m convinced that if the stolen election of 2020 didn’t happen the way it did, we would not be sitting here today recognizing that the Trump win is just the beginning of the fight. It’s just the open door to begin the fight that’s necessary to restore to the nation and the people back to the foundational principles of truth, justice, liberty and extremely limited government. This election victory is absolutely one to be celebrated, and God deserves all of the glory. Every winning strategy comes from Him. But we cannot rest. We can’t stop here. We cannot stop until the war is won, and then when it is, we have to stand very vigilant guard over all that has been re-established and taken back.
