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#242 Eleventh Hour Fights for a Fair Election w/ Ed Tarpley

”They live in luxury while exploiting my people! Won’t these workers of wickedness ever learn? They don’t ever think of praying to God. But look at them now, in panic, trembling with terror. For God is on the side of his godly lovers. The Lord is always the safest place for the poor when the workers of wickedness oppress them. How I wish that Israel’s rescue would arise from the midst of Zion! When the Lord restores his people, Jacob’s joy will break forth and Israel will be glad!“

Doesn’t this sound like it could have been written yesterday instead of 3,000 years ago? You know the Jewish rabbis talk about time looking like a coil or a tornado where what happened before comes back around again and again. And I believe we are in a time right now where the Lord’s rescue of us is rising. He is partnering with us in our own rescue. That’s why we have to vote. That’s why so many of you have taken up responsibility to be poll watchers and commissioners or you’ve taken on some other role that brings accountability to the systems that have been used to oppress the people. And that’s why we do this podcast. That’s why Chris and Katie started LACAG. I also believe that the Lord is going to use a sovereign move that is far beyond what we can imagine to rescue us. But even those sovereign moves of God require our faith and participation. The Israelites did not magically appear on the other side of the Red Sea. They had to pack their bags, follow Moses and walk through the Red Sea. The people of Israel had to march around Jericho for 7 days in silence and then lift up a great shout in order for the walls to come down. This is a time where it is absolutely critical -- possibly even life or death critical to live in faith and in quick and complete obedience to the Lord. This is how we participate in His rescue of us. 

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