“It’s obvious to all; you will have nothing to do with corrupt rulers who pass laws that empower evil and defeat what is right. For they gang up against the lovers of righteousness and condemn the innocent to death. But I know that all their evil plans will boomerang back onto them. Every plot they hatch will simply seal their own doom. For you, my God, you will destroy them, giving them what they deserve. For you are my true tower of strength, my safe place, my hideout, and my true shelter.”
The Lord has been stirring in me all week the theme of justice. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I don’t believe we are living in a time where God’s justice is reserved only for eternity. I believe we are going to see it and experience it. The Lord sees the hearts and the actions of people, and he hears our cries and our prayers for righteousness and justice to be re-established in the Earth. I believe He is moving to do just that. I believe He wants us to participate by making sure that the truth gets louder than the lies, and I truly believe we are about to see a move of justice sweep across this state, nation and world like has never been experienced in history.