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Danielle Walker

Episode 97 - A Discussion on the new BESE Board, Parental Rights & Accountability feat. Paige Lowry


“You lead me with your secret wisdom. And following you brings me into your brightness and glory! Whom have I in heaven but you? You’re all I want! No one on earth means as much to me as you. Lord, so many times I fail; I fall into disgrace. But when I trust in you, I have a strong and glorious presence protecting and anointing me. Forever you’re all I need!”


Earlier in this Psalm, the author was talking about how he saw all that the wicked people were doing, how they were living and they seemed to thrive and have no problems. So the Psalmist was recounting how he couldn’t understand it until he went into God’s presence and the Lord revealed to him that the wicked would see their day of destruction. This revelation made him thankful for God’s discipline and protection. It made him realize how blessed he is because he follows and trusts the Lord. So let this be an encouragement today. Don’t let the success of the wicked cause you to be jealous or stray from walking with the Lord. The Bible tells us again and again that the Lord will repay the wicked, and He takes care of and rewards those who love and follow Him.

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