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Episode 91 - Election Season Recap & A Look Ahead


“But let all the righteous be glad! Yes, let them all rejoice in your presence and be carried away with gladness. Let them laugh and be radiant with joy! Let them sing their celebration-songs for the coming of the cloud rider whose name is Yah! To the fatherless he is a father. To the widow he is a champion friend. The lonely he makes part of a family. The prisoners he leads into prosperity until they sing for joy. This is our Holy God in his Holy Place! But for the rebels there is heartache and despair. O Lord, it was you who marched in front of your people, leading them through the wasteland. Pause in his presence”


This is a psalm about the all-sufficiency of God and how He triumphs over every enemy. Regardless of the situation, the Lord can be the one to meet our every need and to bring us through it in victory. This is a scripture that calls us to rejoice in the goodness of our God - because He is an every present help, because He does not leave us or forsake us. Because He leads us to victory. 

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