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Danielle Walker

Episode 85 - A Discussion on Tech's Oversized Influence in Our Elections feat. Dr. Robert Epstein


“So Lord, please don’t desert me when I need you! Give me grace and get me back on my feet so I can triumph over them all. Then I’ll know you’re pleased with me when you allow me to taste victory over all my foes. Now stand up for me and don’t let me fall, for I’ve walked with integrity. Keep me before your face forever. Everyone praise the Lord God of Israel, always and forever! For he is from eternity past and will remain for the eternity to come. That’s the way it will be forever. Faithful is our King! Amen!”


This passage is a reminder that even the bravest and fiercest warriors have moments of struggle and need. It’s okay to show our weakness to the Lord. He is the one who wants our total honesty & can handle our total honesty. He meets us in our need, and He is the One who will give us the strength and the grace to keep fighting. It’s in His Presence we find our strength and our purpose, so that’s right where we need to be. 

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