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#217 Continuing the Drumbeat for Election Integrity w/ Matt Meck


”We comforted and encouraged you and challenged you to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God, who invites you into his kingdom and glory.“


The Lord took me to this passage this morning, and it hit me very personally -- that this is what I hope I can say each day at the end of the show, each day as I work -- whether it’s on the advocacy front or through bringing the truth and shedding light on things through the podcast. This is what I want to be able to say for myself -- and I know Chris feels the same way. We want to be able to say to you our dear listeners, friends, voices of encouragement & you who have been and continue to be such a strong support -- we want to be able to say that we comforted and encouraged you and challenged you to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God who invites you into his kingdom and glory. There’s nothing better that I can imagine being able to say for myself, for my life, for my work. I am adopting this as my new North Star scripture for life.

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