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#207 The Very Unpopular Truth w/ Simon Ateba

Updated: Aug 12


”We comforted and encouraged you and challenged you to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God, who invites you into his kingdom and glory.“


In this passage, Paul is writing to the church at Thessalonica and he is commending them for heeding his previous instruction to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God. What does it mean to adopt a lifestyle worthy of God who invites us into His kingdom and glory? It means to live honestly and purely before Him. It means making our yes mean yes and our no mean no. It means being quick to apologize for hurting or offending someone else and being quick to forgive those who do that to us. It means having a life that produces the fruit of the spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness & self control. It means telling the truth when it’s uncomfortable, and really, simply when we boil it all down, it means that all of our actions reveal that we honor and fear of the Lord rather than fearing or bowing to what we think people want to hear or what is popular in public opinion.

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