”All God accomplishes is flawless, faithful, and fair, and his every word proves trustworthy and true. They are steadfast forever and ever, formed from truth and righteousness. His forever-love paid a full ransom for his people so that now we’re free to come before Yahweh to worship his holy and awesome name! Where can wisdom be found? It is born in the fear of God. Everyone who follows his ways will never lack his living-understanding. And the adoration of God will abide throughout eternity!“
Isn’t it so encouraging that God is flawless, faithful, fair, trustworthy and true? No matter what happens, He is the one that we can always rely on. He never fails, never forgets, He never lies, never leaves, and He never loses. He paid the full price for our sin through His death on the Cross, so that we could be fully and completely set free. Our natural response to receiving His gift of freedom and salvation is to worship and reverence Him. And that is the place where we will find wisdom, when we are living in the reverential fear, the awe of the Living God. This scripture promises that none of us will never lack the understanding we need and the wisdom we need if we are living in holy reverential awe of God.